Time for Something New!


It’s been awhile.

I’ve been anxious to get back into writing here, but life has kept me BUSY!  I took a hiatus while I entrenched myself in being a mama to our 2 year old, and while barreling through my second pregnancy.  Now that I can move around without waddling everywhere I go, I decided this refuge I call my blog needs a little rebranding.  While I still so enjoy baking and trying new recipes as often as possible, my life right now doesn’t seem to be lending itself to experimental baking as well as documenting it all of the time.  Since I last shared anything here we added this sweet pea to our family.



Miss Hattie Mae is now three months old and brings so much joy to our lives.  There are times I am so tired from nighttime feedings, toddler tantrums, reading kid books, making lunches, changing diapers, and making trips to the potty, but as soon as I look into this sweet little face, it all disappears and I couldn’t be any happier.  She is an absolute joy!

All that to say, this little space needs a new focus.  My plan is to brand this more as a lifestyle blog.  Sometimes that will look like party planning, sometimes it will be reviewing a product, sometimes it will be about parenting or marriage, and every once in awhile I’ll still post recipes of the newest treat I’ve attempted to make.  If that still sounds interesting to you, I would be overjoyed to have you follow along!

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